Day 6: Trailblazer Studios (Production)

Today at Trailblazer Studios I followed around Kristin Genszler, one of the companies directors. We were shooting a Pro-Bono film for the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle’s new website. There was a lot going on, which was to be expected, but I had no idea I was actually going to get to work with the cameras and equipment. The highlight of my day was getting to work the slate (the black and white board that you always see in behind the scenes movies). While standing in front of a camera yelling “Inter-Faith Food Shuttle, Chef Terri, Take 3” does not seem all that amazing, it was pretty fun for me just because I had never done anything like that before. The entire crew was very nice and offered me a lot of advice. I even got to move a lot of heavy equipment around (yes I know it is not the most glamorous job ever but it was nice just to do something). I never thought of myself as the director type, but today I really felt like it was something I could tackle and possibly even make a career out of. I cannot wait to see what tomorrow brings in the post-production department!

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