Today was my sixth day at SAS as a part of the Cary Academy Work Experience Program, and I spent the day at building T with the Legal team. Although I did have the premonition that the legal department would be rather bland, I was pleasantly surprised! I was able to hear about some of the department’s more interesting dealings, a particular case of “Patent Trolls” intrigued me. Patent trolls are companies that exist solely to sue other companies in the pursuit of the defendant settling before a trial is ever brought to court – I found this dynamic very interesting! After lunch, I headed over to the auditorium in Building V to an event called “Data for Good,” where speaks talked about how SAS’ Data Analytics was being used to aid disaster relief organisations optimise their work. I thoroughly enjoyed experiencing a real world application of the product, as the speaker showed how SAS could scan through the data and see what the most common illness was amongst refugees or what camps had the worst conditions. Indeed, I enjoyed hearing about the legal team’s conundrums and quandaries and overall it was a spectacular day!