Day 5

I spent my 3rd day at SAS with “Corporate Creative,” an in-house firm that works with marketing to create ads and run social media for SAS. Emma and I spent most of the morning with Evan, a copy writer, and he showed us what is was like creating different advertisements for social media. He talked a lot about the importance of a strong title or slogan to draw in potential customers. He also talked a lot about his background in sport journalism and how it helped him get into marketing. 


After eating lunch in the C building, we spent the afternoon with Sean. While Evan worked with text-based ads, Sean worked in the video department. He showed us a lot of the behind-the-scenes that goes into creating SAS commercials and hosting events, and we even got to watch them create a video advertisement! While I’m not sure if I would want to pursue a career in corporate creative, it was definitely interesting to see a lot of the behind-the-scenes. 

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