SAS Work Experience Day 5 – Corporate Creative/Video Production

Today was Day 5 at SAS, and Justin and I were in building U in the morning for corporate creative! When we got there, we were greeted by Beth Hening, who gave us a quick tour of the space! The offices here were a lot different from the ones we had visited previously, because for the most part they were cubes. Ms. Hening explained that the reason behind was so that people were more open and collaborative, but that the plan actually didn’t work out that well and people preferred to have closed offices. After visiting with her, we sat with Evan who is a copy writer for SAS. He told us all about his previous jobs, and how he actually used to do sports journalism for UNC! He also showed us some of his work at SAS, and some of his favorite projects that he had worked on. He seemed really passionate about his job and I enjoyed shadowing him! After meeting with the people from corporate creative, we went over to have lunch in building C with Sean, who worked in both the video department and building C. I really enjoyed meeting with him because not only did he share loads of information about the technology and advertising that SAS does, but he was also extremely personable and gave great advice! 

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