Day 4

Pictures are hard to come by considering their restrictions and Non Disclosure Agreement, but I will try to post at least one a day. This is their most famous title!

Upon arriving at Mighty Rabbit Studios today Shane and I were greeted by an empty conference room. At first we were very confused but very soon after the owner of Mighty Rabbit Studios entered the room and told us that Ben, the guy we would be working with, was running a bit late since he has been working so much overtime with a current project. Considering that the company has rights and licenses with outside companies I am not allowed to discuss what sort of software he was working on throughout the rest of this blog, but the project is soon to drop and everyone is working super hard to push for meeting the deadline.

One of the first things we found out upon arriving at Mighty Rabbit Studios is that, the company isn’t like many other companies in that it is also split with Limited Run games, and owned and worked by the same staff. At first this seems confusing and hard to keep up with. But in reality it is a technique that seems to work very well. Considering the company works out of the same building they dont have to pay two different rents. And one of the most important and helpful things that comes from the company being split is that when one side of the company isnt bringing in a good bit of revenue efforts can be focused in the other side, and the first side will just be put in sleep mode for a portion of time.

Limited Run games is cool because it takes hit games from last generation and revamps them to run on the new consoles and PC’s. In doing so they redo the graphics as well as redo how the game runs, but they keep the same story line and characters that everyone used to love. I think that it is a very cool idea because it brings back really fun games and reinterests the older generation into video games.

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