Day 4

Today I again decorated the sign for outside the store with liquid chalk, but this time with much more frustration. I had time to kill since the store was pretty slow this morning, so I spent an hour perfecting the placement and sizing of each letter that made up the quote, “I would stop shopping, but I’m not a quitter”. I thought this was so cute and quirky, not even thinking to look next door I poured my heart and soul into creating a beautiful, elegant sign to make people laugh and raise an interest of potential customers strolling by. After a tedious hour of crafting the sign, I was proud of my work and set it up outside the display window. Thankfully I glanced to my left, and was dumbfounded that Halie’s rival store had the exact same quote on their display sign. I was so frustrated with myself for not even thinking to check the sign of the neighboring store! While it set me back another hour, I practiced the gift of patience today as it was greatly needed.

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