Day Three Jamboree

Day Three was chill, but not without intrigue. Today, I decided to conquer the man I nicknamed “The Game Changer,” more commonly known as John Hinckley Jr. His trial where he was cleared by the NGRI plea led to 14 states changing their laws, 4 states abolishing the insanity defense completely and legislation from Congress to top off the massive reform. It is crazy to think how one man sparked so much and yet…so little. These reform laws do nothing to protect the rights of the mentally ill and in many cases, have actively caused extreme consequences. After diving into his tragic life and many other similar cases, it is sometimes hard to keep sympathy at bay. I find it necessary to remind myself of the acts these people committed and center my emotions in order to understand the general public’s concern. Murdering one’s family or attempting to assassinated the president are no minor felonies and I fight to remain objective, while also striving understanding their perspective. It is not an easy balance. Nonetheless, I continue in my journey and will hopefully continue making connections in this study.

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