Day 4 at Osceola

“Featuring Jack Werner”
Today was probably the most fun day so far. A country artist was in the studio recording an old-timey singalong type country song that is extremely catchy called “Take My Keys”. I had heard the song during the week while Mr. Hodgin was editing it but I hadn’t met the artist until today. The artist, Andrew, was accompanied by a studio cat named Chad. Studio Cats are like talented musicians who come in to add certain instruments to a song that the artist/band can’t add themselves. Its like a feature with no credit.

After the studio cat had finished adding some harmonies to the vocals, Mr. Hodgin decided that the track needed to add a “drunk bar full of guys poorly singing the chorus” to the end of the song. So, Andrew, Chad the Cat, Mr. Hodgin and I went into the studio, stood around a mic, and sang the chorus of the song together several times. It sounded awesome.

This was a really fun experience, but it also was relieving to see that even in the industry, they are still allowed to have creative fun when they make professional records. In fact, the idea to add this scenic element to the song adds creativity, distinction, and memorability to the record. In the future, this fun idea (and my horrible singing) might be what takesthis record to the Top 40.

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