Day 3- Web Development

I spent today with Alanna Howard, a website designer in the web development department of SAS. Alanna had only worked at SAS for about 4 years and, being a younger employee,  she was able to give me a fresh perspective on what it’s like being a website designer in today’s tech savvy world. I would say today was my best food and drink day thus far. Alanna and I went on multiple tea, coffee and hot chocolate runs, one of those being to a Starbucks located in a nearby building. Alanna showed me the cornucopia of snacks in the office breakroom, and I spent large part of my day snacking on peanut M&M’s and graham crackers. However, the icing on the cake was lunch. Alanna had told me stories about the cafeteria’s famous sushi and when lunch time arrived I was able to try it for myself. It lived up to all my expectations and more. Alanna and I also able to have a  great conversation with her mentor over our delicious lunch.  One of the many other activities I did today with Alanna was testing out a training series she had created for AEM, the software used by SAS employees to create their websites. I went through the approximately hour long course, searching for glitches or issues in programming. It was nice to know that I was contributing to and assisting in Alanna’s work. Unfortunately, I did not do so well on the test at the end of the training module, but we were able to forgive and forget. I had a great time today in the Web Development department. Alanna did a great job showing me all the different roles employees play in the creation of websites along with shattering my preconceptions of what it meant to be in web development.


Testing the AEM training software

Fabulous lunch courtesy of the SAS cafeteria

Alanna’s office white board, detailing today’s work

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