Day 3

Alright so today I finally finished up the first banner project. Overall I made 18 banners! The next project I have is similar, but they’re actually going to be printed. Anyway today I also worked more on the dragon boat festival tshirt. I was able to successfully scan my drawing to the mac and then work on it in the program: Illustrator. Here is what I have so far:

The black is the scanned drawing, and the red lines are the online tool I’m using to trace it digitally. It’s not done being traced digitally yet because the process is very long and hard. There’s no stylus, and in order to perfectly use the pen tool to cover the drawing, I have to zoom in very close. Each piece takes a lot of work and matching lines naturally is also difficult. I’m still excited though because once the trace is complete I can change the brush stroke to look more artistic instead of solid and boring.

Moving on, after eating lunch, two girls who work at Alpha took me on a field trip to see some of their work up close. At Best Buy I saw their graphics as part of a display for Lenovo:

And also at Costco:

All of the designs on the tables, cardboard, that glowing sign in Best Buy, literally anything with design on it is the work of the two girls who work at Alpha. It was really cool to see because I had never really thought of where it came from or how it was made.


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