SAS Work Experience Day 2 – Web Development

To start off Day 2, I went to building U where I was greeted by Gray Heffner. Gray Heffner is the manager of the web design for SAS, and she told me all about the different branches of the marketing department and how the different divisions all come together. For example, she told me about how when creating a page you have to take into account the coding behind it, the template, the design, the writing/copy, and user interaction. She really opened my eyes to how many different job possibilities there are in the marketing industry, and I was also able to see all of these different jobs interacting in a meeting that morning. During the meeting Gray Heffner set up, the whole design team met in a conference room, and told me about their individual jobs and backgrounds. It was really interesting to hear how people’s career paths changed along the way, and how many different experiences each person had. The staff also kindly answered all of my questions, and gave me lots of beneficial advice for both my academic and career future!

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