Prep Day

Today we got to stay home and prepare for working at Epic Games tomorrow, as well as Lucid Dream VR and Mighty Rabbit later in the Discovery Term. I met with Chandler at Starbucks at 10 am to research the companies together, so that was awesome. I found a secret menu to Starbucks that allows you to order Butterbeer at Starbucks! We got to experiment with Unreal Engine – the game design software that Epic Games makes. After that, I did additional homework for Epic Games – playing Paragon! It was the best homework I’ve ever done! Funny story: my first time playing I chose Greystone as my hero and won without dying once. However, I was so confused because my ultimate said it was ready, but it never worked when I tried using it. When I joined a match with real people, I realized what my ultimate attack was after dying many times: rebirth! After I died, I turned to stone and then my spirit came down from above back into my body, exploding everything else and bringing myself back to life with 50% health. It was so cool! I’m so excited to go to Epic Games tomorrow! 

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