Day Two Hullabaloo!

Wow. What a day! Most of today was devoted to diving headfirst into all that Chapel Hill had to offer. I spent a combined 5 hours between the law library and main campus library with a quick stop for Chinese food on Franklin Street in between. I have learned more about insanity, criminal defense, and its ties to mental illness in one day than probably anyone ever. Today, the most fascinating connection I made was in regards to the 1996 movie Primal Fear which I screened last night. SPOILER ALERT: Primal Fear is about a young alter boy accused of murder who faked multiple personality disorder to get cleared of a crime through insanity. Today, while researching statistics and reviews, I discovered an eerily similar case in 2000 where a woman killed her husband and claimed to have the same “amnesia” that the main character in Primal Fear had. She got committed to a mental institution and revealed multiple different personalities to the doctors there. Eventually, it leaks from her cellmate that she had been faking these personalities to remove guilt from her crime. These connections were fascinating to observe and I am sure there are many more to come! I can’t wait to see what Day 3 has in store.



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