Day 3- Triangle Vet Hospital and Surgery!

Today, we headed over to Triangle Vet Hospital. The most interesting part of the day was a surgery Aesha and I got to sit in on. Standing out of the way, we watched as the vet technician prepped the dog with an anesthetic, shaving the fur off her abdomen and cleaning the area with alcohol. We then put on our caps and masks and entered the small OR, both bracing ourselves as to what was to come. Much like the beloved show Grey’s Anatomy, the surgeons scrubbed in, and prepped all the tools on a table to the side of the patient. They began the procedure, (stop reading if squeamish!) cutting open the abdomen and pulling out the intestines, stomach, spleen, and some blood to come with it. They let us peak in to see there was a mass growing in the intestine, so they cut a good sized portion of the intestine out and stitched the remaining ends together. Closing the patient up, Aesha and I turned to each other, surprised to see that neither of us had passed out but rather both of us were smiling. It was a great experience getting so upclose and personal and really understanding what it means to be a surgical veterinarian. Can’t wait to see more! 

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