Today, I shadowed someone from the sales and presales division. My host took us to meet with different people in the division to see what they did, since there are multiple facets of this division. When we met with her manager, her manager found out that I played cello. Apparently, cello is her favorite instrument, and we started talking about music and how one time when she was at a concert, she saw a bassist pass out. When I told her that I was doing a music camp in New York during the summer, she asked me to send her a video of me playing. I was surprised because this was request was a little random, so I wasn’t really ready for it. My surprised face must have looked very disinterested because she thought that I was not too happy about that idea. She must’ve really wanted to hear me play because she then said, “I don’t care. I don’t have a business card, but here is my email, and just send me a video. Don’t lose it” as she handed me a sticky note. It was really awkward afterwards since both my host and Max kept making fun of me on how disinterested a looked even though that wasn’t the look I was going for. I learned a lot of things about the process of sales, and an important thing as I move forward: don’t show my surprised face if I want to look interested in something.
(No idea why images are sideways)