Work Experience Day 2

On Wednesday, June 31st, I spent the day shadowing two individuals in the Marketing department at SAS. I was only able to get one picture because I spent the whole day in different meetings. In the morning, I followed someone in traditional marketing. In her first meeting, she discussed strategies to minimize the extent of interrupting emails, which I learned were overlapping email lists from different SAS marketing specialists when trying to reach potential customers for specific programs, webinars, and more related to promoting SAS. In the meeting of only four people, they worked effectively to create a new plan that would ensure that interrupting decreased significantly because they came to a consensus that the quality of the potential consumers is better than the quantity of potential consumers which I found to be an interesting approach to the problem since the more common method would just be to try to reach as many individuals as possible. Though, with this strategy they would be able to target specific groups of people that have certain criteria and not turn away people by bombarding them with emails. In the next conference meeting, there were over twenty individuals. I found the atmospheres to be very different and it was interesting to see both the benefits and flaws of both. This meeting dealt with a lot of topics, one of which was related to the interrupting emails and customer journeys. In this meeting, concerns were acknowledged and were planned to be addressed in the future. In the meeting, everyone seemed very involved and driven which made it seem effective. In the afternoon, I met with another individual who is a part of  ABM (Accounting Based Marketing). This type of marketing focuses on specific companies and advertising SAS in a way to directly apply and appeal to that company. She had just started in this position because ABM was just being introduced to expand the marketing department at SAS. I got to see how they will plan to use social media and organic growth to direct and modify their efforts to try to secure partnerships one by one. Today really opened my eyes to the great variety of marketing specialists and the importance of having fluctuating general strategies.

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