Day 2: Fox50

Today I shadowed Fox50 Video Producer Steve Elizondo. The day started quickly as we went straight to a shoot first thing at 9 o’clock. The project for the day was a lobbying video for the FCC. Elizondo and his team were assigned to create a video explaining the negative effects of a new law the FCC is attempting to put into action. The team and I went down to Garner to the local broadcasting towers to shoot the scenes. The towers were very impressive (over 2000 feet high), and I even got to help film some scenes pretty high up. We spent the majority of the filming dialogue and getting B Roll, but as the day continued, we moved to the editing suites to put the footage together. It was a neat experience to get to film something that might actually make a difference for our entire country. I can’t wait to go back tomorrow to see what else is in store.

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