Day 2

Today was a busy one. I started off the day by continuing the reset of the MicroPEMs that were to be sent out for more projects. This just consisted of measuring the voltage and currency of the devices and recording the numbers down in a spreadsheet. Then, I toured the chemistry labs and met a chemist who synthesizes molecules and compounds to make opioids, specifically opioids that prevent relapses for drug addicts. The equipment and machines in these labs were crazy! He walked me through his lab and described the whole process of how he synthesizes the molecules, and the coolest part to me was the giant magnet (it was probably 5 feet tall and 3 feet wide, I couldn’t take a picture as it could have damaged my phone) used to test the molecules he synthesizes. In that same building, there was a wall of information about the two scientists at RTI who discovered two treatments for chemotherapy (one of which is still at RTI doing research), and I got to see the National Historic Chemistry Landmark celebrating these scientists. Very inspiring people!

After lunch, I got back to work on resetting the MicroPEMs, except this time I was clearing data and measuring the air flow and calibrating the nephelometer and more. I already have gained a whole new perspective on research and the amount of work required to make these labs work; the maintenance people, the tech support, the mail and packaging workers, all play integral roles in the success of these labs. Every building and lab I have been to at RTI have all these people milling around, working constantly for the lab. I felt a real appreciation while working in the lab for the “village” that makes research work.

I then met with Dr. Jonathan Thornburg, who is an aerosol engineer currently working on e-cig projects. I got to ask him a lot of questions about his research and what led to his career/the path he took, which was super interesting and very informative for my own future. I returned back to resetting the MicroPEMs, and somehow it was already four and the day was over. Super stoked to be returning tomorrow! 

resetting the MicroPEMs in the lab

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