Day 1

Today was our first day at French West Vaughn. Everything we were seeing was new to us, but the people there understood that and definitely were trying to ease us into it. The day mainly consisted of meetings. First, we sat in on a conference call with a man named Robert who was a part of NC State’s Industrial and Systems Engineering Division. The meeting was called to go over plans for arranging tours of the biomedical lab. After we debriefed that call, we then sat in on a lunch meeting where almost everyone in the company gathered to talk about how they can improve on their award-winning strategies. They talked about how winning awards not only boosts company morale and makes the agency look better, but it also serves as a portfolio piece for the agency, the client, and individuals at the company.

After we debriefed that call, we then sat in on a lunch meeting where almost everyone in the company gathered to talk about how they can improve on their award-winning strategies. They talked about how winning awards not only boosts company morale and makes the agency look better, but it also serves as a portfolio piece for the agency, the client, and individuals at the company.

After lunch, we sat in on two more meetings and took notes. The first meeting consisted of all FWV employees as they prepared for a second meeting later that day that would be with one of their biggest clients, Wrangler. FWV was in charge of the brand’s publicity, and they had been planning a party in Nashville that would showcase Wrangler’s 70’th anniversary denim collection. What was really interesting was that there was a whole discussion about which influencers they should invite to the party. Influencers being bloggers or other figures in social media who have a large following. Later one of the people in the meeting, Clay, told us that social media influencers were a very new but useful tool in PR. A few minutes after that small group meeting the larger meeting/conference call with the people at Wrangler was held. Anjali and I were sent a list of talking points that the people at the meeting wanted to get through with the clients. After the meeting, it was time to go home.

Overall this was a big day with a lot of new stuff to take in, but it was very fun and not at all stressful. I’m hoping that we are soon going to be able to help out for ourselves by doing research or other kinds of work for the company, but for now, it is really fun to just observe.

Lunch Meeting

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