Day 1

Today was my first day working with the promotions team for the Durham Bulls. I met Matt Sutor, the director of marketing & communications and Faith Inman, a lead member of the promotions team. Most of my day was spent shadowing Faith and the rest of the promo team as well as enjoying a double header baseball game against the Rochester Red Wings. I learned a lot about the background of the promo team, including all of the stuff they do behind the scenes of baseball games. I never realized how much goes into the little things that they handle such as ads projected during the game, activities between innings, presenting the mascot (Wool E. Bull), and more. Today, Faith explained that I will work closely with the promo team during the work experience and will help them coordinate and set-up activities before and during each game. While today was more of an introductory day where I learned what role I would play these next two weeks, I look forward  to getting more involved tomorrow!

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