Thoughts on the College Process

It’s #SeniorSZN, but for many CA seniors, that just means #CollegeAppSZN.       

By Cate Pitterle

My summer did not end as it began. That is, while I began the summer with only thoughts of pools and books and Netflix, I ended it with the Common App.

That’s a common experience for many CA seniors, who often start writing their Common App essay – a  monstrous 650 words that gets sent to every college one applies to – in early August. I hate procrastinating (though I do fall into the trap often enough), so one summer afternoon I sat down at my desk, opened my computer, and started pounding away at my keyboard.

Except I didn’t.

That’s not quite how it happened. Mostly, it involved a lot of pacing, a lot of gazing out the window, and even more staring at a blank Word document.

Since those first drafts, I’ve found the college process is stressful. It’s hard. But it’s also made me realize a few things. I’ll share my thoughts on everything below:

  1. Introspection is hard. But in the end, it’s surprisingly rewarding. I’ve thought about and written about things I never would have without having to write college essays.
  2. It will all be okay. This has become something of my motto, and honestly, it’s a relief when I realize that things will all work out for the best. We’re not defined by our essays or test scores or grades. Colleges try to see beyond the numbers, and even not counting that, this process doesn’t define any one of us.
  3. Self-confidence is key. Trust what you’re writing, and you’ll write well. It’s something I’ve realized rather recently, and it’s helped me write supplemental essays faster and easier. If I trust that I know where I’m going with a prompt, it turns out a lot better.
  4. Mental health is important. Again, this whole process is just one big knot of stress. Take a mental health day, an hour, even a second just to calm down and get out of your head. Watch a new show, scroll through TikTok, read a book, anything – it’s invaluable in alleviating some pressure.
  5. We’re all in this together. I’m not actively trying to quote High School Musical here, but it’s true. Most every senior is stressed right now. We’re all going through this process together, and in just a few short months, we’ll graduate together. I think, more than anything, we should enjoy every last moment while we can.

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