Strategic Plan Updates

What’s in your wallet?

The Dining Hall was buzzing, as 125 employees at Cary Academy shared stories with one another about one of their most personal of objects -- their wallets. Then, with one short phrase from workshop facilitator and Dean of Faculty Martina Greene — “OK, everybody, you...

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Standing on Shoulders

We have a plan! At their final meeting of this school year, our Board of Directors approved a Strategic Plan for Cary Academy. Putting it together This plan represents the collective work of our entire community, and more specifically the efforts of 24 members of a...

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Innovation by Design

Recently I asked all our employees to describe a time in which they felt most alive and engaged in the life of the school. Many reflected on the school’s start up days, when they were collaborating to execute on the founding vision and build something new and...

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Learning from data

We live in a world awash with data. Sometimes that data is helpful, like when you look down at your fuel gauge and see the needle on E and decide based on that information to pull into the nearest gas station. Sometimes the data can be interesting but less helpful,...

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