At the end of the third year of our strategic plan, while we continue to move forward on individual items linked to goal areas, we have begun to use the strategic vision statement as a North Star in giving us programmatic direction.
Cary Academy will create learning opportunities that are flexible, personalized, and relevant. We will cultivate self-directed and bold life-long learners who make meaningful contributions to the world.
This statement has served to focus our actions toward the big picture and help us link what might seem disparate initiatives. We have begun working on a visual display and short video to illustrate the power of the vision as a guiding and unifying statement.
In the meantime, here is an update on major activity in each of the goal areas this past year:
Goal 1: Institutional Flexibility
Cary Academy will create institutional flexibility to facilitate innovative and dynamic learning experiences.
- Launched new MS/US daily schedule: rotation in MS/arts flexibility in US
- Expanded curricular reviews to include world languages, arts, and PE
- Launched expanded student choice in US biology and arts offerings
- Launched three faculty study groups as part of a “Mastery Learning Team” exploring personalized learning, authentic engagement, and assessment
- Completed study with NC State, Lucid Dreams, and US biology classes on impact of virtual reality on learning science concepts (photosynthesis)
Goal 2: Authentic Engagement
Cary Academy will foster the intellectual and cultural elasticity needed to adapt and thrive in the world.
- Launched new US advisory program
- Conducted a Day of Dialogue around school safety as part of an initiative to develop mindset and protocols for difficult conversations within the community
- Formed a cohort of students to work in Discovery Term to develop a “Community-Based Learning Opportunity” in 2018-2019 school year
- Appointed an Experiential Learning Director to focus on expanding project- and community-based opportunities inside and outside of the classroom
- Collaborated with newly launched PTAA Experiential Education committee to expand Work Experience Program for juniors
- Expanded entrepreneurial opportunities with fall “shark tank” and spring “Drink Cart Challenge”
- Retooled the summer program away from a broad menu of camps to focus on “discovery pathways” that provide deep dives into signature courses
Goal 3: Strong Communications
Cary Academy will strengthen existing relationships and build new connections to embrace multiple perspectives and opportunities.
- Launched new Admissions Viewbook and redesigned Cary Academy Magazine
- Launched new community photo sharing tool
- Added new #CACurious blog to CA Weekly email to give access to a variety of leadership voices and a “behind the scenes” look into different programs
- Integrated PTAA into school’s budgeting process, streamlining fundraising and allowing PTAA to build out deeper community programs, such as the new Taste and Toast event and Caring Committee
- Partnered with SAS and Triangle Uplift Foundation to host “Youth Innovation Summit”
- Hosted first CA Teaching Fellow
- Provided pro-bono diversity consulting to Duke School and United Methodist Church of Cary
- Shared out longitudinal digital use and learning data at ATLIS conference
Goal 4: Appropriate Resources
Cary Academy will build the professional and learning environments necessary to realize our strategic vision.
- Held public Launch Party to celebrate groundbreaking for Center for Math and Science
- Expanded campaign fundraising to include gatherings at the homes of lead donors
- Upgraded phone system and launched online student billing platform
- Increased faculty in response to new curricular needs and updated benchmarks
- Developed CA Culture Profile (included on next page) to help guide HR initiatives
- Continued compensation review with deeper dive into school benefits and launched Roth 403B and multi-platform HSA healthcare options.