Immigrating from England

My name is Thomas Owens. I was born in 1836 in England. I became a US citizen on the sixth day of October 1888, though I came over a few years before that. I first voted only a month later, on the sixth day of November 1888. My wife, Maria Fenn-Owens, was born in...

Cecily Sher

My mother recalled the last words her sister told her before she embarked on her journey to the United States, “Good luck Euisook, never forget your identity and who you are.” This theme of identity would stick with her through the rest of her life and still does...

Yuying Zhang

Thomas Sowell once said “Immigration laws are the only laws that are discussed in terms of how to help people who break them.” Because immigration laws were broken, I am here today telling the story of my mother Yuying and her immigration journey to America. Her story...

Alma Logue Interview

Alma Logue, a good friend of my mom, came into the United States when she was 24 years old. She grew up as the youngest of 9 kids, which is actually quite common in Mexico. She had lived in Tampico, Mexico her entire life until coming to the States. She originally...

Eloisa Bassi

Eloisa was born in Mexico City, but lived in Zacatecas City, located in north central Mexico. Zacatecas holds a special place in her heart, but she doesn’t miss it as much now because most of her family left. She came to America in her early 20s because her brother...

Pamala Lloyd

50 years ago an English women from Wales came to America by ship. Her name was Pamala Lloyd. She was in love with a black man she had met while in Paris. She was 21 years old and marrying who she thought was the love of her life. She was disowned from her family and...
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