Hye Kyong Shelton

My grandmother Hye Kyong Shelton, or as I call her: Nana, came from Korea in the year of 1969 with her Father, Mother, and Brother. She came here for education and intended to leave immediately after however, this changed when she got married to a man named Devon...

Camil Samaha

When Camil Samaha moved from Lebanon in October 1983, his country was amidst a civil war. He came to America looking for safety in a time of distress, and he came without looking back. At just fourteen years old, he enrolled himself at Broughton High School in...

The Challenges of an immigrant’s life

The year of 1998, my mother, Megan Huang came to the United States from China to continue her education in NC State. The journey truly began when she first saw the US in the small circular window of the airplane. Adrenaline rushed through her as the plane touched the...

My Dad: William Duffy

Growing up in Wythenshawe, Manchester, England, William Duffy (my father) had an obsession with rock music and an unshakeable desire to become a rock musician. His mom was very into Hollywood movies, and so from a young age they provided a great escape from his...

The not so “American Dream”

My uncle Rafael was born in Colon Panama in 1958. His mother immigrated to the United States when he was 3 years old leaving him behind with the rest of her family. After settling in, his mother had 4 additional children and joined the American lifestyle. When Ralph...

Aysu Kurultak

On a trip to visit a family friend for six month and to see the states for the first time, Aysu Kurultak never expected to stay in the United States for the rest of her life. 17 years ago, Aysu made the journey to the U.S. all without knowing a word of English. She...
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