Saket Bors is a true American with a great, inspiring immigration story that best displays why immigration and understanding the stories that make it up are so important. Living in Bhopal, India with absolutely no plan or knowledge of what the next chapter of is life would be, life for everyone of Bhopal changed December 2, 1984. Suddenly, through the dark night, distraught struck the city as a gas leak at Union Carbide pesticides plant impacted lives forever. The next morning, Saket stepped out feeling a difference in the city atmosphere around him that he was so accustomed to. Soon, he found out that during the tragedy last night, thousands were immediately killed with many more subsequently being injured and left disabled, some even close family friends. The city grew with grieve and remorse from all they had lost. Saket’s mother was set in a panic as she had always been a skeptic worrier and a huge believer in the superstitious things in life.
Scared and filled with emotion, she submitted a request for his Visa. Years later after marrying, Saket’s request had finally been granted as he and his wife packed their bags and traveled across the world to start a new life with hope. It was very difficult for him to find employment primarily because of his background and unpopular college with American companies. He’d looked for months before deciding it’d be best to go out on his own and start a corporation. He faced many troubles starting up as it took a lot of courage to take this risk. With a very low household income and few connections within the community, the company had to be put on hold. Saket was forced to take on another job in IT for a local public school as his wife found a job in daycare doing whatever they could to keep Saket’s hopes and dreams alive. In the following years, the company began to grow as Saket’s oldest brother, Milind, had his Visa accepted and came across to the United States to assist his brother. Eventually, the company grew and grew into the large, successful software firm it is today known as E-Emphasys Technologies Inc. None of this would’ve been possible without Immigration as we see it plays a huge role in bringing new ideas and thoughts to grow and develop as a society, and this story is just one of many examples.