Josef Walter Neuhofer, my grandfather passed away March 29, 2016, he had a harsh upcoming and here is his story. Born in Stadl Pauer, Austria, September 24, 1936, he was the fourth of seven children. His father owned a lumber company in the town and was the wealthiest man in Stadl Pauer. The fact that his father was very wealthy allowed my grandfather to leave Austria, to work on a cruise ship as a first-class steward. It was on this cruise ship where he learned English and was eventually was hired by his eventual first man, to work as a salesman at Plasser and Theurer, a small railroad equipment manufacturer. He came to America after a short while back in the Austrian branch, to Virginia Beach, VA. It was here he made his home and met his wife, my grandmother and one my best friends. In Virginia, he was asked to lead the Plasser American Corporation, a company that today is worth millions of dollars. Josef was given multiple awards by the Austrian government for successful life and business development, however; he refused to go back to Austria to accept these awards because he didn’t want to leave his new home and his striving business. This task was not an easy one though, the company was hit with corruption, cleaning staff and a close call with bankruptcy. He found guidance through God and he said this to me around 4 months before his passing, “God put you on this earth, don’t waste what he did for you. You will always find a way to solve your problems”. I know this quote sounds cheesy but, it has stuck with me. I feel more responsible for my actions and realize now because he’s gone I can find a way like he did to America. I called him Opa, which is German for grandfather. Opa loved this country, more than I think anyone else did. He was born and raised in Austria, America was his home though.
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