I think she would’ve done the same as the red guards if she was a working class citizen because chairmen Mao had brainwashed the Chinese people to believe that chairmen Mao was the one and only leader and that he is god. So if she had grown up thinking that Mao was even more important than your family then I would think that she would do what Mao told her to do. And if she didn’t do what Mao wanted her to do then she would get in trouble with the communists party.
Tag: gulledgela6
An Yi
I had to go tell Ji Li what I had just seen at the school i told Ji Li about the Da Zi Bao and we rushed to school. I told her as much as I could about the Da Zi Bao before we got to school. Ji Li was freaking out because she knew that she did nothing wrong.
Ji Li told me to leave so that she could read the Da Zi Bao by herself. I came back because I was worried about her. She told me about what the Da Zi Bao said and I stood there silent, I didn’t know what to say. I was very frightened and saddened because of the Da Zi Bao written about Ji Li. I felt so bad for her because I knew what it felt like because my mom had gotten a lot of Da Zi Bao about her as well
The Lost Balloon
Up high in the sky as the It leaves its home
It feels its sadness as it watches its family fade away
Soon they will be gone from sight just a memory inside its head
Away from its family so sad, but he has a new life ahead of him