I learned what compound interest is. If you start saving early you can make a lot of money over time. This happens because the money you put into your account builds money over time which in return makes more and more money in the account. Marcus started saving ten years later and made half of the money that charlene made. I learned that it is very important to start saving as early as possible.
Author: nickh964
Math blog post about my career by Nick Halferty
I Chose to be a vet for this project because that is something i might do when i grow up. the bottom 10% of veterinarians earn was about $5,3210 which is a very good amount of money. you have to get a degree in veterinary medicine and get a licence to actually allow you to operate in that state. To get a licence you have to pass the states test and each state has different tests to get past.
A veterinarian is a animal doctor. The job a a vet is to help animals who are sick get better. they also help to work prevent things that might hurt the animal later on. They can give vaccinations to animals and are allowed to operate on an animal is need be.
Math homework blog
The first game i played was was the ice cream game. i figured out that profit is the amount of money you make when selling something. i figured out that the best deal was chocolate ice cream because it had the most income.
The second game i played was financial head start. i learned that if something has a profit of 200% that it means that you made 2 as much money as you put into it. i also learned that where you place certain thing will increase or decrease you profit.
All Along the Silk Roads: Indigo
Come check out my awesome Sway by clicking here
Destroy the Fourolds
I think she would’ve done the same as the red guards if she was a working class citizen because chairmen Mao had brainwashed the Chinese people to believe that chairmen Mao was the one and only leader and that he is god. So if she had grown up thinking that Mao was even more important than your family then I would think that she would do what Mao told her to do. And if she didn’t do what Mao wanted her to do then she would get in trouble with the communists party.
An Yi
I had to go tell Ji Li what I had just seen at the school i told Ji Li about the Da Zi Bao and we rushed to school. I told her as much as I could about the Da Zi Bao before we got to school. Ji Li was freaking out because she knew that she did nothing wrong.
Ji Li told me to leave so that she could read the Da Zi Bao by herself. I came back because I was worried about her. She told me about what the Da Zi Bao said and I stood there silent, I didn’t know what to say. I was very frightened and saddened because of the Da Zi Bao written about Ji Li. I felt so bad for her because I knew what it felt like because my mom had gotten a lot of Da Zi Bao about her as well
Kimonos, Wearable Art
click here for information on Kimonos and their history.
The Lost Balloon
Up high in the sky as the It leaves its home
It feels its sadness as it watches its family fade away
Soon they will be gone from sight just a memory inside its head
Away from its family so sad, but he has a new life ahead of him
Scientist scrapbook project
Here is the FlipSnack link: http://www.flipsnack.com/SebastianP558/george-washington-carver.html
Mayan ballgame assignment
The Mayan Ballgame
How did the Mayans play this ancient game? The Mayans played the game by trying to get a ball though a goal without using their hands or feet. The ball they used was a rubber ball that weighed 8 to 15 pounds! The ball was able to bruise or even break bones of the players. Players wore some protective clothes to make it easier to hit the ball without getting hurt. They also wore the clothes to decorate themselves in the game. The court area was shaped like an “I”. The long section of the “I” is the playing area and it had the goals at each end.
The game was also a religious ritual. At the end of the game, the losing team’s captain would be decapitated as a sacrifice to the gods. The court had an area for sacrifice so it would be convenient to perform the ritual at the end of the game.