Crocodiles and Alligators By Nick Halferty

Crocodile and Alligator


The Alligator was swimming through a river searching for more food. After 8 hours of searching the Alligator came across a wounded Crocodile that had been wounded by other Alligators. The Alligator decided to keep the Crocodile and make it serve him. After many years the Crocodile finally feared him, acted like an Alligator and gave almost anything it had, or found to the Alligator so that he would not be eaten. One Day when the Crocodile was going to find food for his master he saw other Crocodiles sitting, basking in the sun near Alligators. The Crocodile was confused and frightened because he thought the Alligators would kill the Crocodiles. As he watched there appeared to be no stress between the animals and they were just relaxing in the sun. The Crocodile went back to his master and told him about what he saw. The Alligator punished him and told him that what he was saying was nonsense and to never speak of it again. Later the Crocodile got curious and when back to the river, and saw the same thing, Alligators and Crocodiles sitting on the same bank basking in the sun. He was now confused on why the Alligators and Crocodiles were not fighting. He went back to his master, who had grown weak, without having to go hunt food, and told him again that the Alligators and Crocodiles were living peacefully together and the same bank, and he wanted to go visit them and ask them what they were doing. The Alligator took a deep sigh, and Told the Crocodile to go, and  visit his people. The Crocodile went and met his people and he was able to rule himself and was never seen by the Alligator again.

This shows the Crocodile basking in the sun with his other Crocodiles

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