The career that I chose is a Pediatrician. Pediatricians basically are doctors for kids. They diagnose and give treatment to kids who are sick. They also do yearly checkups. Pediatricians take medical histories and prescribe medicine. A pediatrician can work in private clinics or in larger spaces. To become a Pediatrician, you must go through many years of school. To become any type of Physician you must have your Doctoral or a professional degree plus your bachelor degree. Both of those both take 4 years. Which includes a lot of debt, from paying back your student loans. You don’t need any work experience in a related occupation. Though, you do need to go through an Internship or Residency which is what I will be doing. This can take 3 to 7 years depending on what you want to do. Which means you don’t make the high percentage until later in your career life. I think this job is perfect for me because I love kids and I can still be around them without being a teacher. The job outlook is predicted to grow 14% from 2014 to 2024 which is much faster than average. My median salary would be $60,000 but after all the debt is paid off I would make around $187,200 a year.