Dissection Reflection

Today in AMTP we dissected a pig’s heart. My overall impression of doing this dissection was great. I had an amazing time and I was very interested in learning and cutting open different places on the pig’s heart while naming the parts. I was surprised that it didn’t smell as bad as I thought it was going to. Mrs. McCoppin had warned us about the smell and the grossness of the heart but none of the above impacted me at all, which was good. The most interesting part of the dissection for me was getting to cut open the heart and label the different parts of the heart. Now that I know what an Aorta is, it was fun to get to connect the dots with the other arteries and ventricles.  The most difficult part of the dissection for me was listening and watching Mrs. McCoppin do the dissections first. This was hard because I wanted to just go and get started or wanted to do it as she was talking. Though looking back I’m glad I didn’t because I would have not known where to cut and what to exactly do. I think performing heart operation on a real-life human seems like a ton of fun. If I was trained enough to do the procedure I totally would. Knowing that I could save someone’s life by operating on their heart gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. I learned that the Coronary Tendineae are very strong. They were so strong that I could lift the whole heart by only using one Coronary Tendineae string. I don’t have really anything Mrs. McCoppin could improve on, the only thing I could think of is maybe having everyone doing their own heart dissection without partners, but that might not be possible. I’m really excited to be in this class and this dissection opened a new window for me to think about being a surgeon.

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