Mesoamerican Cultural Analysis

I believe the Mayans did have extensive trading relationships with other cultures that led to culture diffusion. The Maya Culture most likely had culture diffusion in the Yucatan Peninsula with the Teotihuacan, Mixtec, Toltec and Aztec culture lived because each Civilization crossed timelines. While the Mayans did not cross periods with the Teotihuacán, the Teotihuacán influenced the Mixtec who ultimately would influence the Mayan people. In the Andes Mountains, the Maya more than likely had culture diffusion with the Chimu and the Inca cultures since they were in existence during the same time, but travel across the Gulf of Mexico. They could have had culture diffusion with the Inca and Chimu by trading there culture crafts. Maya could have culture diffusion with all of the cultures because they either existed during the same period of time or, as with the Teotihuacán, they crossed the civilizations period of one that shared the same period.

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