Day 4: Suture

One of today’s objectives was to suture our rabbits, but we couldn’t just start on the rabbit without practice. Hence we practiced on banana peels before lunch. First we removed the banana out of its peel. With the peel an incisions were inflicted upon with a scalpel to close up. To make sure that we didn’t cut ourselves with the needle we put on gloves and used clamps. We practiced individual knots and running stich. Running stich is quicker to do, but it causes more trauma and visible scars. It is different from individual knots, because string continues instead of knotting individually and cutting it. Individual knots are more common since there would be minimal amount of trauma and scars. 

Day 1: Dr. Dienst

Today, our class had the chance to listen to and ask questions to Dr. Dienst through Skype. He first presented important areas of the heart as well as his own heart. As he was explaining the different methods of fixing ruptured aortas, he also mentioned that 70% of the methods used today was no around when he started his medical career. This has given me a great insight in what doctor’s goes through. As a doctor there is a responsibility of lives in the hospital and outside of the hospital. The process of just making the stents seems interesting too, since the new technology like 3D printer gets involved. Talking to Dr. Dienst was a valuable experience.

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