Day 6: Rabbit Prosthetic and Suturing

Today, we were able to receive our final prosthetic that we had designed in place of the rabbit’s paw, and see if they fit! Our group designed a “fly swatter” which has multi-purpose functionalities which include swatting away predators providing higher defense techniques and flipping eggs or pancakes! We were glad to see that the appendage fit just perfectly and we were able to super glue it to the location of the amputation of the rabbit’s bone. After seeing that our appendage had been successfully created and attached, we proceeded to finish the last step of our experience with dissecting the rabbits–to close them up. We applied our techniques from suturing the bananas to suturing the rabbits. We began by making the first stitch in the middle of an incision and went on by making single stitches from there, making sure that there would be the lowest level of trauma possible from the stitches. I feel that the suturing the rabbit was pretty similar to that of the banana in that the skin felt very similar. However, there were some areas of the rabbit skin which were a bit thicker than other parts, making it harder to stitch in those areas. However, I believe we managed to suture the rabbit very successfully and to the best of our ability.


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