Sadie-Grace Shelburne
Grade 9
I would ask my great grandmother: how did you live your life without worrying about perfection? I would be curious to know how she was able to be so bold without fear of failure.

Princess Bernard-Oti
Grade 12
I’d like to ask Thomas Jefferson the following: how could you keep the person you love and your kids as slaves? It does not make any sense to me that you would own your own blood and the people you love.
Morgan White
Grade 10
I would want to ask Steve Jobs how he could be so goal-oriented that he’d treat people close to him so poorly, because I personally just don’t understand that mindset, and I’d be interested to see if he would or could justify his actions.
Conrad Hall
Upper School History
I would ask Aeschylus if he would lend us copies of his plays lost at Alexandria so that the world might have them.

Dunning Hill
Grade 11
I want to ask George Washington: how did it feel to be the first president of the United States? I just took an APUSH test and I want to know how he dealt with the pressures of leading a brand new country and the responsibilities that come with it.

Matt Greenwolfe
Upper School Science
If I could ask one question to anyone not currently living, I would ask my mother for advice in raising my daughter and being a better father.

Enoch Kuan
Grade 12
I would ask Bruce Lee how he dealt with racism and stereotypes while working in Hollywood. Although I am not particularly interested in the same industry, I think his experiences and advice would help me better navigate my future career, whatever that may be.

Betsy MacDonald
Upper School Arts and Computer Science
When I was in 7th or 8th grade, I was obsessed with the Oscar Mayer wiener jingle. “Oh I wish I were an Oscar Mayer wiener” – I was really good at learning commercial jingles. Anyways, for Halloween that year, I told my mom I wanted to be an Oscar Mayer wiener. So I’d like to ask my mother: how hard were you laughing when you made my costume?