Tag Archives: bandhandbook

Storing Your Instrument

Store your instrument ONLY in the bandroom

  • The bandroom will be unlocked each day by 7:30AM and locked around 6PM.
  • BRING YOUR INSTRUMENT TO THE BANDROOM EVERY DAY BEFORE SCHOOL. Instruments may not be left in any other place other than the bandroom.  We don’t want people messing with them.
  • INSTRUMENTS SHOULD BE TAKEN HOME EVERY DAY, unless students have two instruments (one for home and one for school).  Student owned instrument are not covered by Cary Academy’s insurance.


At the end of the trimester, students will compile a portfolio in their MusicFirst.com account.  Students may use the assessments already completed.

Students will bookmark 2 previous submissions and bookmark any new submissions (do-over recordings or new submissions). Students will list all recordings submissions on a portfolio index (word document) and upload to their musicfirst.com account under “T1 band portfolio index”.

Portfolios will be evaluated as follows:

B (83) Uses the trimester preparation assessments exactly as submitted previously
Makes improvements in one or more assessments and submits the new recording(s) along with the original ones
Submits the trimester preparation assessments plus at least one brand new one that the student chooses from ideas below.  Also, the student makes improvements in one or more assessments and submits the new recording(s) along with the original ones

Ideas for the new assessment in a student portfolio

  • Record music of the student’s choosing (with or without background accompaniment)
  • Review a favorite piece of music and include a link so Mr. Grush can hear.
  • Write a piece of music using Noteflight.com, Soundation.com, or another tool of your choosing
  • Listen to 3 different rehearsal recordings (of the same piece) and reflect on at least 3 specific skills we have improved. Also give advice on what more we can do to improve further.
  • Reflect on your individual progress made this trimester including at least 3 specific skills that you have improved.
  • Attend a live musical performance and write a review. List at least 3 titles and composers of pieces you hear as well as identify 3 specific skills that the performer has mastered.
  • Tutor someone else on playing your band instrument.  Write a reflection and include at least 3 specific skills that your student has improved
  • Other ideas approved in advance by Mr. Grush

Performances and Trips

Participation in Performances and Trips

Performing for others is one of the highlights of playing an instrument. In general, the Band program will schedule two major evening performance per year, per class. As other opportunities to perform present themselves, they may be added to the calendar. Please note that some weekend performances may be necessary.

A performance at a festival or competition in the local area (a day trip or staying over one night) is a required  part of the curriculum.

A multiple day/overnight trip (needing a larger financial and time commitment) is a strongly encouraged but not required part of the curriculum.

Should a conflict arise with a scheduled performance or trip, please contact Mr. Grush immediately to arrange a mutually agreeable solution. An excused absence from school on the day of a performance constitutes an excused absence from the performance, but please email Mr. Grush to make sure he is aware.

As per the Arts Department policy, an unexcused absence from a performance at school or at a local festival may result in a lower grade for the trimester.


Performance Attire

We will wear white tops and black bottoms  for performances.  Families should acquire their own clothing.

Men should wear a white, long sleeve dress shirt, a necktie or bowtie, black dress pants, black belt, BLACK SOCKS, AND BLACK DRESS SHOES.  Men may select their own necktie for the performance outfit.

Women should wear a black dress with white sweater, white blouse/black skirt, or white blouse/black pants with BLACK dress shoes.  Women’s clothing should fall within dress code and skirts should be long enough to cover the knees when you are seated.