Participation in Performances and Trips
Performing for others is one of the highlights of playing an instrument. In general, the Band program will schedule two major evening performance per year, per class. As other opportunities to perform present themselves, they may be added to the calendar. Please note that some weekend performances may be necessary.
A performance at a festival or competition in the local area (a day trip or staying over one night) is a required part of the curriculum.
A multiple day/overnight trip (needing a larger financial and time commitment) is a strongly encouraged but not required part of the curriculum.
Should a conflict arise with a scheduled performance or trip, please contact Mr. Grush immediately to arrange a mutually agreeable solution. An excused absence from school on the day of a performance constitutes an excused absence from the performance, but please email Mr. Grush to make sure he is aware.
As per the Arts Department policy, an unexcused absence from a performance at school or at a local festival may result in a lower grade for the trimester.