NCMEA In-Service Conference
November 8, 2010
Eric Grush, Band Director
Cary Academy
Students in the Cary Academy Band program have used wordpress blogs to:
- post recordings of themselves playing music assignments
- give feedback to each other on their recordings
- review concerts or recorded performances
- evaluate progress of a group or the entire class
- evaluate class activities
- evaluate themselves
- express opinions on what music we should play
- share opinions, audio and/or video of music they like
- share music they have created
- post scribe notes
- create a post about a favorite instrument
- make comments as they watch a movie after school
post recordings of themselves playing music assignments
MS Band page
Performance Rubric in online Band Handbook
RSS feed using outlook (email)
give feedback to each other on their recordings
6th grade Flute
review concerts or recorded performances
concert reviews
evaluate progress of a group or the entire class
flute section – mambo cubano
evaluate class activities
evaluate themselves
All-Region Jazz Band audition
express opinions on what music we should play
ideas for Afro-Cuban music
share opinions, audio, video of musical interests
share music they have created
guitar part for a composition I wrote
post scribe notes
music theory class scribe notes
create a post about a favorite instrument
student post
make comments as they watch a movie after school
Fantasia comments
Band students with blog posts for their math class:
Scott Laird’s blog (Orchestra Director at the NC School of Science and Math)
Links to 2009-10 band students’ cary academy discovery blogs (all wordpress blogs)
8th grade blogs 7th grade blogs 6th grade blogs
US Band Blogs (9-12) US Jazz Blogs (9-12) rip videos