GoodNews-BandNews 12-12-16

What Are We Doing This Week? (and next week)

No playing appointments this week|


6th graders and parents – TO Do List is past due

Some of you may have had trouble finding this link, so here it is. Please complete the to do list by Monday night.  You can actually promise to finish reading later and fill out the form now! 🙂

To-Do List 2016-17


Soundtrack Project Guidelines 2016-17
Students in MS6, MS7, and US Band (not US Jazz or Beginning Band) – your project is Due Tuesday 11:59pm.  Extra Credit if posted by Monday 11:59pm.

How to upload and post your video


Great first rehearsal last Friday! If you have not filled out rehearsal conflicts, please do so immediately.
Next rehearsal is Friday, Jan. 13 from 2:45-4:15. Chaperones are requested to attend.
DisneyBand rehearsal conflicts

Auditions Jan. 7
Good luck to those students auditioning for All-District Band or All-Region Jazz Band (or both) on Jan. 7

HS All-District Band MS All-District Band HS All-Region
MS All-Region Jazz
Rishi Goswami Casey Powell Damon Blair Casey Powell
Pranay Tankala Jay Sagrolikar Will Snider Jay Sagrolikar
Christianna Swift Aarav Gupta
Anna Grace Lane Ritvik Nalamothu
Ben Lipson Marvin Koonce
 Amy Chang Rohin Patel
Max Li

Band History
Posted this week: no new posts (watch for beginning pics and vid
Previous posts: 2016-17, 2015-16, 2014-15, 2013-14, 2010-11, 2005-06, 2003-04, 1997-98

Class Haiku pages (Powerschool)
Beginning Band (6th grade)
MS6 Band
MS7 Band
US Band
US Jazz

GoodNews-BandNews 12-5-16

Welcome to our 24 new beginning band students and their families!  This is our weekly newsletter for students and parents to read.  Some things will be posted that do not pertain to beginning band class, but I want everyone in the band program to have an idea of the big picture.  🙂

What Are We Doing This Week?

Playing Appointments for this week 

Soundtrack Project Guidelines 2016-17
Students in MS6, MS7, and US Band (not US Jazz or Beginning Band) – this week you need to have a draft soundtrack ready for a peer or me to hear (By Tuesday), then a final recording for a peer or me to hear (by Friday).

Click on title above for info on rehearsals. First rehearsal is this Friday, Dec. 9 from 2:45-4:15.
Please complete this google form about rehearsal conflicts by Tues. 12-6.
DisneyBand rehearsal conflicts

Band History
Posted this week: no new posts
Previous posts: 2016-17, 2015-16, 2014-15, 2013-14, 2010-11, 2005-06, 2003-04, 1997-98

Class Haiku pages (Powerschool)
Beginning Band (6th grade)
MS6 Band
MS7 Band
US Band
US Jazz

Band Disney Trip

Disney Band rehearsals

Please fill out reasons for any conflicts, names of coaches/leaders of activity, and a way for me to contact the coach/leader.

DisneyBand rehearsal conflicts

In hopes of minimizing after school time, I want to contact club leaders and advisors about using time starting at 2:45.  If we can do this, we will end earlier after school.

Fri. Dec. 9  from 2:45-4:15 (rehearse, go over preliminary schedule, form chaperone groups)

Fri. Jan. 13 from 2:45-4:15 (rehearse, meet chaperones, plan which parks each day and select fastpasses)

Thurs. Feb. 16 from 2:45-4:15 (rehearse, optional parent Q & A)

Wed. Feb. 22 from 2:45-4:15 (rehearse, review schedule and packing list)



GoodNews-BandNews 11-28-16

What Are We Doing This Week?

Playing Appointments for this week (to be added Mon/Tues)

Soundtrack Project Guidelines 2016-17
Click title to open doc.  Remember – students in MS6, MS7, and US Band (not US Jazz) must have selected a video (or created one) for the project, downloaded the video, and extracted the soundtrack.  Come to class having all of those things done, so you can use your time to most effectively edit and record. There are links on the soundtrack project guidelines doc with videos instructing you how to do these steps.

Audio folder updated
Click title to open folder. All students have access to Mr. Grush’s audio folder.  Sample recordings for T2 are in the T2 folder. We will no longer use the T1 folder. Rehearsal recordings will be in your class folder, inside the T2 folder.

All-District Band auditions

  • If you plan to audition, please bring a check made out to Cary Academy on the first day of class in T2. (No later than Fri. Dec. 2, though).
  • If you have already done some work on the scales/solo for auditions, then you should try out.  If you have not, you should email me immediately and work over break.
  • If you audition, you should use your audition material as your preparation assessment for T2.  If you make it, you can choose anything you wish to record for your T3 preparation assessment and only have to do one for T3.
  • If you have questions, please go to the websites below, then email me ASAP if you still have questions. I  have to register every CA student, so just use the site for information.
  • $8 per instrument for All-District Band – checks made out to Cary Academy
  • $15 per instrument for All-Region Jazz – checks made out to Cary Academy
  • Auditions are Jan. 7 at Cary HS.  You will be on your own for transportation.  More info in December, but here are the websites for Central District Band and Central Region Jazz.


MS Band/Chorus/Orchestra Concert 11-7-16
pics, audio, and video

US Band/Orchestra Concert 10-26-16
Updated with links to audio and video of each piece.

Performance Attire
MS men – click on the title above (performance attire) for a detailed list that includes necktie. This links directly to the band handbook that everyone said they had read or will read in August.  🙂

Band History
Posted this week: Nov. 7 MS concert
Previous posts: 2016-17, 2015-16, 2014-15, 2013-14, 2010-11, 2005-06, 2003-04, 1997-98

Class Haiku pages
Beginning Band (6th grade)
MS6 Band
MS7 Band
US Band
US Jazz