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GoodNews-BandNews 10-6-14

What Are We Doing This Week?



NCAIS Honor Band reminders

Students who have been selected to the NCAIS Honor Band:

Remember to pay registration fee online and RETURN BEHAVIOR CONTRACT TO MR. GRUSH (Page 2 of clinic packet)

Thursday – bring your instrument, NCAIS music, and a pencil.  Meet in the lobby of the Arts building at 9:45 on Thursday.  Bring backpacks and tablets on the bus with you.  Leave them at home Friday.  Bring $5-10 for lunch Thursday.  All other meals are paid for.  The bus will NOT return to CA.  Parents should meet us at by Lowes foods at the corner of Tryon Rd and Cary Parkway.

Friday – meet the bus at by Lowes foods at the corner of Tryon Rd and Cary Parkway. Bring your concert outfit (all lack) from last year or the new outfit if you wish. (See below).  Make sure you have a ride home from the concert.


Performance Outfits

We are changing from all black to white on top, black on bottom.

White and Black Band Outfits

White and black will serve us well for formal concerts and be more comfortable for hot outdoor concerts if need be.

However, band council is still looking at options for some sort of band shirt.  Once we finalize ideas, we will let you know.

Until then, the outfit for the spring outdoor concert is up in the air.

For Jazz on the Quad, Jazz Band will wear black and white and decide on guidelines for ties.


Jazz on the Quad Food Truck

Monday October 20

4:30 until the concert ends (around 7:00)

Red, Hot, and Blue (vegetarian option available)

Come eat and listen to our jazz students and the Moonlighters, professional big band!


New Repair Shop 

3 of the repair technicians who worked at Marsh Woodwinds for years have now opened their own shop on Capitol Blvd, just outside the beltline.  I plan on using them for our school instruments.


Portfolios due dates approaching

Different classes have different dates.  Read about the options.

Portfolio information

Tone Deaf Comic

Concert Hall Etiquette



GoodNews-BandNews 9-29-14

What Are We Doing This Week?



Performance Outfits

The survey did not yield a clear winner (all 4 options were within 6 votes).  White and black was the preference for formal outfit and we are going to go with that.  White and black will serve us well for formal concerts and be more comfortable for hot outdoor concerts if need be.

However, band council is still looking at options for some sort of band shirt.  Once we finalize ideas, we will let you know.

Until then, the outfit for the spring outdoor concert is up in the air.

For Jazz on the Quad, Jazz Band will wear black and white and decide on guidelines for ties.

White and Black Band Outfits


Jazz on the Quad Food Truck

Monday October 20

4:30 until the concert ends (around 7:00)

Red, Hot, and Blue (vegetarian option available)

Come eat and listen to our jazz students and the Moonlighters, professional big band!



NCAIS Music Rehearsals

Those of you selected to NCAIS need to attend one 45 minute session to work on your music with Mr. Grush. Here are the options:

  • Tues. Sept. 30    MS enrichment (2:30-3:15)
  • Tues. Sept. 30    3:30-4:15
  • Wed. Oct. 1         3:30-4:15
  • Thurs. Oct. 2      MS enrichment (2:30-3:15)
  • Mon. Oct. 6        MS enrichment (2:30-3:15)
  • Tues. Oct. 7        MS enrichment (2:30-3:15)
  • Tues. Oct. 7        3:30-4:15


Portfolios due dates approaching

Different classes have different dates.

Portfolio information

Tone Deaf Comic

I need one of these

Band Director Dart Board


GoodNews-BandNews 9-22-14

What Are We Doing This Week?



Band Outfit Survey

The band gremlins may already be on their way!

Band Outfit Survey


Band Council

We are working on 2 projects initiated by students.  Please join us if you want to help.

US Band Council – Wed. 9/24 from 3:30-4:00pm.  Band shirts; performance outfits.

MS Band Council – Fri. 9/26 during enrichment.  Put concert music in binders for easier access/better organization


Electronic Music Meeting

I have set up some meetings/training sessions for those interested in exploring some electronic music options.  If you are interested, please come!

MS iband (playing ipads) – Thurs. 9/25 enrichment

MS MIDI horn (electronic clarinet) – Thurs. 9/25 enrichment (rescheduled from Tuesday)

US or MS looping – sign up for an appointment with Mr. Grush, then check out the loop pedal to try at home

Tone Deaf Comic

This one is my favorite.

Intonation Pain Scale


GoodNews-BandNews 9-15-14

What Are We Doing This Week?


Electronic Music

I have set up some meetings/training sessions for those interested in exploring some electronic music options.  If you didn’t sign the interest form, fear not.  Just let me know you are interested and I’ll let you know when to show up.  🙂

Music Memory

music memory

“Try to take advantage of the brain’s natural processes by spacing learning out over days, instead of cramming it into a single session.  This gives the brain time to organize and synthesize new information in the most efficient way”

Memory Consolidation Process

Music Practice + Time Awake (Memory Stabilization) + Sleep (Memory Enhancement) = Enhanced/Improved Motor Skill

Psychology of Music, November 2013, Sarah E. Allen


Tone Deaf Comic

If the Lord of the Rings Characters Were Band Instruments