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GoodNews-BandNews 1-5-15

What Are We Doing This Week?



Band Binders

All band students are required to have a 3 ring binder for books and music.  It should be brought to class every day.

SmartMusic for Beginning Band students

The final deadline to install SmartMusic on your tablet and to show Mr. Grush is Thursday, 1-8.


Band Council meetings

US after school  3:30-4:30PM

MS during enrichment

  • Tues. 1/13
  • Tues. 2/3
  • Tues. 2/24


Play at MS basketball games!

Sign up to play your instrument or play drums.  No experience needed – just sign up and show up!

Play at MS basketball games!


Auditions for All-District Band and All-Region Jazz Band

Auditions are this Saturday, Jan. 10.  Best of luck to all auditioning!  Look for results to be emailed early next week.





GoodNews-BandNews 12-15-14

What Are We Doing This Week?


Band Binders

All band students are required to have a 3 ring binder for books and music.  It should be brought to class every day.


Sound Exposure Tests in the CA Band Room

The testing went well.  I will pass on results in a January newsletter.


US Surveys
US band classes will take a survey on Wednesday and Thursday.  All questions were designed by Mr. Grush specifically about band.

The Link will be emailed.


SmartMusic for Beginning Band students

I have added deadlines to our class calendar.  Anyone who installs SmartMusic by this Thursday (12-19) and shows to me during class will receive extra credit.  It is perfectly fine to wait and install after the break.  The final deadline is Thursday, 1-8.


Vsauce Video:  Will we ever run out of new music?

Long, but very interesting

Will we ever run out of new music?


GoodNews-BandNews 12-8-14

What Are We Doing This Week?


Welcome to Our New Beginning Band Students!!!

17 brave souls have entered the world where squeaks and honks turn into beautiful music by the end of the year.  Best wishes for a year full of magical music-making!!!


Sound Exposure Tests in the CA Band Room

This Wednesday and Thursday, December 10 and 11,  the EI group will be testing the levels of sound exposure for band students and for me in the band room.  One monitor will measure the amount of sound exposure in the bandroom during a single class.  Another monitor will be placed on me to measure the cumulative amount of sound exposure throughout the school day.  Once we receive the results, I will share them with our facilities department and then with you.

We are exceedingly grateful to Greg Lathan, CA parent, and the EI group for donating their time, equipment, energy, and expertise for this project.

The EI Group, Inc.
Environmental, Health and Safety Solutions.


Office:  919 . 657 . 7500


T2 Band Council meetings 3:30-4:30PM

  • Thurs. 12/11
  • Tues. 1/13
  • Tues. 2/3
  • Tues. 2/24


MS Basketball dates for drumline and MS Pep Band

Click for information and sign-up form


Tone Deaf Comic

Da Capo (D.C.) explained



GoodNews-BandNews 12-1-14

What Are We Doing This Week?



Make sure to read your T2 Syllabus and mark deadlines in your method for tracking assignments.


T2 Band Council meetings 3:30-4:30PM

  • Thurs. 12/11
  • Tues. 1/13
  • Tues. 2/3
  • Tues. 2/24


MS Basketball dates for drumline and MS Pep Band

  • 6th-8th graders, look for a sign-up  document next week
  • Blue 4:00, 5:15  Tues, 1/27 SEA
  • Gold 4:00, 5:15  Tues. 1/20 SEA


Audition Fees Due Fri. Dec. 5

  • All-District Band $8 per instrument (write checks to Cary Academy)
  • All-Region Jazz $15 per instruments (write checks to Cary Academy)
  • Auditions are Saturday, January 10. (Snow date is January 17)
  • Both the All-District Band and All-Region Jazz Auditions are on the same day at Cary High School.
  • You may audition for both Band and Jazz.


Music Writing Tools

The Band has one copy of Pro-Tools DAW (a Professional Digital Audio Workstation) loaded on a laptop that is available for students to check out.

Also, any band student who wishes to uses the paid version of Soundation (online Digital Audio Workstation) just needs to email Mr. Grush to set up an account.

Happy electronic music writing/editing!


Tone Deaf Comic



Instrument Sale at Music and Arts this Saturday