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Special Rehearsals – April 2017

Special Rehearsals – please check your personal calendar
We have a number of rehearsals coming up to combine classes who will perform together. It is critical to have everyone there.  If possible, please reschedule appointments that may make students miss class (I know this is tough and not always possible. Please do your best. :-)) Also, double check our concert day and evening, April 26. Thanks!

Date Time Activity and Location People Involved
Tues. 4-4 6th and 7th periods Combined MS Band Rehearsal – bandroom Combined 7th/8th grade Band classes (no 6th grade)
Tues. 4-11 2:30-3:15 (MS 9th, US end B & advisory Combined rehearsal MS/US Band – bandroom 7th-12th grade band students (no jazz,no 6thgrd)
Wed. 4-12 US C block 9:45-10:40, MS 3rd pd Combined MS and US Jazz Rehearsal – bandroom MS Jazz club and US Jazz students
Thurs. 4-20 MS 9th pd 2:30-3:15 Combined rehearsal Beginning/MS Bands –bandroom 6th, 7th & 8th grade band students
Tues 4-25 US advisory 2:45-3:15 US Band Assembly for US Student Body


US Band and Jazz students
Wed. 4-26 US C block 9:45-10:40 US Band, US Jazz Sound Check – auditorium US Band, US Jazz and students
Wed. 4-26 MS 6th pd 12:00-12:45 Combined MS Band Rehearsal – auditorium Combined 7th/8th grade Band classes
Wed. 4-26 MS 8th pd 1:40-2:25 Beginning Band rehearsal – auditorium 6th grade band students
Wed. 4-26 5:45-6:15 Combined rehearsal US and Guests – auditorium
(Lord of the Rings)
US Band (no jazz, no MS, no 6th grade)
Wed. 4-26 6:15-6:45 Combined rehearsal US, US Jazz, MS, BB and Guests – auditorium (Star Wars) All 6th-12th grade Band, Jazz students
Wed. 4-26 7:00-9:00 PM Band Movie Music Concert & Recognition – auditorium All 6th-12th grade Band, Jazz students

Rising 9th grade band class options for 2017-18

Please read below and email or speak with me to discuss.  Each person and situation is different and I would like to email or speak with students/parents before you sign up for US courses for next year.

Options for US Band classes

In the past, there has only been one period to take Arts and other electives classes.  We called it C block. Next year arts classes could meet in a few different blocks (periods), though.  I am not sure how it is going to work.

Band classes in the US do not meet every day.  This gives students the chance to take a study hall, a 2nd Arts elective the other days (debate, programming, chorus, etc.), or 2 band classes!

US Jazz Ensemble Period TBA Monday/Wednesday/Friday
US Band Period TBA Tuesday/Thursday

The biggest adjustment for rising 9th graders is the fact that they must practice more outside of class than they did in 8th grade. US Band classes seem to move much faster because the music is more challenging, but mostly it is a function of having only 2-3 classes per week instead of the 5 we are used to having in MS Band. You will have to work about twice as hard next year in band than most of you have worked this year.  Band seems easier to 8th graders because of the extra year of experience.  As a 9th grader you will feel more like you did in 7th grade because you have the least experience again, but this time you only have 2 or 3 days of class to catch up with the upperclassmen!

General Recommendations from Mr. Grush

Students must earn 1.5 units of Arts credit to graduate.  Each band class is worth ½ unit of credit.  So, 3 band classes would fulfill your graduation requirement.

All rising 9th grade band students are strongly encouraged to try US Band or US Jazz class in 9th grade.  Then decide for 10th grade if you want to continue.

If you enjoy band class and are willing to practice 3 days a week at home, you should take a band class in 9th grade.  You can always try a second elective in 9th grade or take other courses than band in 10th grade.

If you really love band class and love to practice at home, consider taking both band classes.

If you do not enjoy band class this year and are not motivated to practice your instrument at home, you should try another elective.  You are always welcome to come back to band later if you want.

However, in 20 years at CA I have seen only 2 students not take band in 9th grade and come back later.  The lesson here – try a band class in 9th grade to decide whether you want to continue in 10th, 11th, or 12th.

US Band Courses and new trimester electives 2017-18

All US students may choose to take new trimester electives taught by Mr. Grush next year.


Course Name     Music Production FALL

Grading Period   Trimester 1

Meeting Times    Three periods

Credits                1/6

This course is for students interested in recording and producing music. We will learn skills in using a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) and audio recording equipment. Students will experience the various roles of the music production process for the composer/artist, recording engineer, and producer. Students will create one or more individual/group audio projects. May be repeated for credit.



Course Name     Music Theory and Composition WINTER

Grading Period   Trimester 2

Meeting Times    Three periods

Credits                 1/6

This course is for highly motivated students with a serious interest in the study and practice of music. Students will develop skills in reading and writing music notation, critical listening, analysis, ear training, and the composition of music. Students will also design an independent project. The course will not address all of the material on the AP exam. May be repeated for credit.


Course Name     Pop Music from 1900 to Today SPRING

Grading Period   Trimester 3

Meeting Times    Three periods

Credits                 1/6

This course will survey artists and music of the 20th and 21st centuries. We will listen to, analyze, and discuss popular songs and styles of music from 1900 to the present. Elements of music such as pitch, timbre, texture, volume, duration and form will be studied. Students will create a multimedia project describing one or more songs or musical styles.


Practice Strategies

Try this formula for a 10-minute power practice session (cut in half and make a 5 minute study break)

2 minutes –  long term skill (such as sound, tonguing, breathing through mouth, long tones for sound/tuning, counting to self)

2 minutes –  listen to sample recording from audio folder while counting/doing fingers (will help you identify which chunks to practice)

2 minutes –  practice chunks (this is the “take apart and fix” time; try 1-2 measures and try to stop on beat one of a measure)

2 minutes –  run through entire section (this is the “train yourself to keep going instead of stopping for each mistake” time)

2 minutes –  play anything that is fun and makes you feel good (reward yourself. Playing an instrument is fun, so enjoy!)


Procedure for Teaching Yourself to count in your head and count rhythms

  1. Mark beats (slashes for beat 1, beat 2, beat 3, beat 4)
  2. Listen, read, count beats out loud (likely more than once)
  3. Listen, read, count beats out loud AND fingers (almost certainly more than once)
  4. Practice – chunks, then larger section
  5. Play with recording (almost certainly more than once)

Any spots where you stumble are the spots to practice more next time.


Using a metronome

  1. DO NOT start by playing long sections with the metronome
  2. Practice chunks (1-2 measures) with metronome SLOWLY
  3. Gradually increase speed on metronome until you are at tempo
  4. THEN try playing a longer section with the metronome
  5. When you notice that you are off from the metronome, you probably tripped up a little before you realize it.
  6. Go back and work on that chunk.
  7. If you are not sure if you are staying with the metronome, record yourself and listen