Band Soundtrack Project 2016-17
The purpose of the project is for students to develop skills in creating music to be used as the soundtrack for a video. Most students simply record themselves playing with the original soundtrack, mute the original soundtrack using moviemaker, and add their edited soundtrack.
Students | Video |
Preston | Pink Panther |
Jessica | Fantastic Piece |
Pranay | Shostakovich Waltz #2 |
Miriam | The Mission Gabriels Oboe |
Esra | The Hobbit |
Cameron | People are awesome |
Jaishree | Hannah Montana |
Peyton, Zach | Star Trek Next Generation Season 7 intro |
Madi | Frozen Heart |
Jono | Overwatch main screen and victory theme |
Christiana | See the Light |
Anna | The Wizard of Oz Over the Rainbow |
Cindy | Steven Universe |
Ryan | Star Wars Force Awakens |
Grant | Pokemon |
Adam | Harry Potter |
David White | Rocky |
FIRST DEADLINE – Monday Jan. 23
Download a video online and download using (or create your own video or slideshow of still pics). Download the audio soundtrack ( or
Show Mr. Grush downloaded video and mp3 audio in class on Jan. 23. Then start working.
Days to work in class (if you submit early, you may use class time for sectionals, improv, jamming, or studying)
M 1-23 W 1-25 M 1-30 W 2-1 Recording should be done OUTSIDE of class.
Final Deadline – Fri. Feb. 3 by 11:59pm
- Group (2-4 people) or individual
- Must use at least one recording PER PERSON of a melodic instrument – integral but not the entire time
- Grush’s goal is to hear how you match notes, tuning, time, and style with a background recording
Length 2-4 minutes
Content PG
Possible Tools Audacity, Noteflight, Soundation, Moviemaker (GarageBand, imovie, other?)
Time spent 4 class periods and an equal amount of time outside class (about 3 – 3.5 hours).
It is your choice if you want to spend longer, but extensions will not be granted.
Tutorial Videos
how to download video
how to get the soundtrack out of the video
Opening the soundtrack in an audio editing program such as audacity audacity
recording and exporting new soundtrack audacity
opening moviemaker, silencing original soundtrack, adding new soundtrack moviemaker
creating a title and credits/citations, exporting video (saving movie) moviemaker
posting the video on haiku class wikisite (turning it in) haiku wikiproject page
Citing Music
Composer name last, first. “Title in quotation marks.” Publication year. URL where you found the sheet music.
Williams, John. “Star Wars Main Title.” 1977.
The above information is based on p. 39 of the MLA Handbook 8th edition.
Citing Video
Last name, First name of the creator. “Title of the film or video.” Title of the website. Publication year. URL.
Empire, Galactic. “Star Wars Main Theme – Single.” 2015.
If you submit early, you may use remaining class time as you wish. If you do not finish by Feb. 1, you will have to finish outside of class by Feb. 3.
How do we share/submit? Embed the video on the wikiproject page on our class haiku page