T3 Extra Credit Form – paper copy due soon (click link for document)
- Students will have 10 minutes in class to complete the extra credit document n the day it is due.
- I recommend completing the form electronically before class, saving, and printing OR
- Fill out by hand in advance and take a picture/scan your paper
MS6, MS7, US – due THIS THURS. 5-11 after 10 minutes of class (changed from original due date)
US Jazz – due THIS Fri. 5-12 after 10 minutes of class
BB – due NEXT Fri. 5-19 after 10 minutes of class
Band Portfolio T3 2016-17 (click link for details)
- Portfolios due soon. (5-11 for MS, US, US Jazz and 5-18 for BB)
- Please read about changes for T3. Submit a screenshot of bookmarked items for portfolio.
Video Tutorial for bookmarking items for portfolio
To Do:
1. Make sure all submissions for T1, T2, and T3 are bookmarked in your CA MusicFirst (1-2 per trimester, or 3-6 total from any trimesters)
2. Take a screenshot of your bookmarked items for your 2016-17 portfolio
3. Submit PDF or word doc of your portfolio screenshot (bookmarked) items
4. Submit a new recording (music you have never recorded before) as an MP3 file (not .WAV or .AUP)
5. Type any written submissions on the bottom of the instructions page (75-100 word minimum/maximum) and submit
Soundtrack Video Project Instructions – Beginning Band (click link for details)
Students – Do you want copies of any music played by another class at the concert?
- We are getting ready to recycle.
- Find the box full of binders (near my music stand) and get what you want ASAP!
Students or Parents – Help needed putting digital photos in digital albums
- We need help putting tons of pictures in albums by class/level (BB, MS6/7, US, US Jazz, MS Jazz)
- Please email Mr. Grush if you can help
Parents – Help needed hanging frames for band senior pictures on a new wall
- Please email Mr. Grush if you can help.
Triangle Brass Band Movie Music Concert: +2 Extra Credit if you go
Cardinal Gibbons Summer Music Programs
Cool Drumline Video
Band Pops Concert 4-26-17 (Click link for audio, video, pictures, program)
- Click on the links for audio and video to download.
- Video files marked with “MOV” at the end have the full audio but do not always show the video screen.
- Some of the other video files show the screen, but the beginning of the song is cut off.
- Audio files marked with “tascam” were taken by the tech crew but not all songs were captured.
- All other audio files were taken from the video files and video MOV files.
MS-BB Band Weekly (condensed newsletter/plans – updated Monday mornings)
US-US Jazz Weekly (condensed newsletter/plans – updated Monday mornings)
What Are We Doing This Week? (weekly plans – all classes, updated Sundays)
What are we Doing Today? (daily plans – individual classes, updated each morning)
Playing Appointments for this week (updated Sundays)
Class Haiku pages (Powerschool, P Learning, whatever you want to call it)
Beginning Band (6th grade)
MS6 Band
MS7 Band
US Band
US Jazz
Posted – Band Pops Concert 4-26-17 (Click link for audio, video, pictures, program)
Previous posts: 2016-17, 2015-16, 2014-15, 2013-14, 2010-11, 2005-06, 2003-04, 1997-98