GoodNews-BandNews 5-1-17


One of the ways I measure success is the degree to which I am able to enjoy performing vs. how much I am worried about it. I had fun the entire time and could not be more proud!!!

Band Pops Concert 4-26-17 (Click link for audio, video, pictures, program)

A few words of explanation. Editing audio and video is a very time consuming process. Click on the links for audio and video to download. Video files marked with “MOV” at the end have the full audio but do not always show the video screen. Some of the other video files show the screen, but the beginning of the song is cut off. Audio files marked with “tascam” were taken by the tech crew using the stereo microphone, but not all songs were captured. All other audio files were taken from the video files and video MOV files. Whew!

Band Portfolio T3 2016-17 (click link for details)

  • Portfolios due soon. (5-11 for MS, US, US Jazz and 5-18 for BB)
  • Please read about changes for T3.
  • It will not be the same as T1 or T2.

Beginning Band Field Trip Thurs. 5-4-17 (click link for details)

Soundtrack Video Project Instructions – Beginning Band (click link for details)

MS-BB Band Weekly (condensed newsletter/plans – updated Monday mornings)

US-US Jazz Weekly (condensed newsletter/plans – updated Monday mornings)

What Are We Doing This Week? (weekly plans – all classes, updated Sundays)

What are we Doing Today? (daily plans – individual classes, updated each morning)

Playing Appointments for this week (updated Sundays)

Class Haiku pages (Powerschool, P Learning, whatever you want to call it) – check T3 Syllabus and T3 Portfolio changes.
Beginning Band (6th grade)
MS6 Band
MS7 Band
US Band
US Jazz

Band History

Posted – look for concert audio, pics, and video soon
Previous posts: 2016-17, 2015-16, 2014-15, 2013-14, 2010-11, 2005-06, 2003-04, 1997-98