GoodNews-BandNews 4-24-17

Concert is THIS WEDNESDAY!!!

Concert/Recognition Program (kind of a band yearbook)
Most pictures are black and white now for when we copy the printed version. I’ll go back and change to color pics next week.

Band concert outfits – click this link for details on the normal black and white outfit guidelines

  • All 6th graders, since this is your first concert, please take a picture of yourself wearing whatever outfit you choose by Friday, April 21 and email to Mr. Grush (boys make sure I can see you wearing BLACK socks and dress shoes. Borrow some black dress shoes if you don’t want to buy some for just one concert. Ask friends in chorus or orchestra.)
  • OPTION 1, REGULAR OUTFIT WITH ACCESSORIES – add to your black and white concert outfit – a hat, wig, cape, sash, etc. to represent a movie character. Be tasteful and modest, not offensive.
  • OPTION 2, ENTIRE MOVIE COSTUME – If you have an entire costume, take a picture of yourself wearing it and email to Mr. Grush by Friday, April 21. Outfits should be modest. No princess Leia – prisoner of Jabba the Hut outfits or Channing Tatum from Magic Mike outfits! If Mr. Grush approves, you may wear  the costume INSTEAD of your black and white outfit.
  • OPTION 3, REGULAR OUTFIT  – Wearing your regular concert black and white outfit by itself is fine as well.  All boys wear a tie (choose your own regular tie or bowtie; have it tied BEFORE you come or find someone besides Mr. Grush to ask for help). Also note that boys wear a long sleeve white dress shirt, tie, black dress pants, black dress shoes, and BLACK socks (not blue, not white, not no socks – BLACK socks).

Concert Week Events

  • Mon. 4-24 US Band special rehearsal – on stage – C block (Jazz in bandroom)
  • Tues. 4-25 US Band and US Jazz Assembly for US – Auditorium 2:45-3:15 (get out of class at 2:30)
  • Wed. 4-26 MS6 and MS7 combine in auditorium 6th period
  • Wed. 4-26 on stage at 5:30pm – US Band and guests – Lord of the Rings
  • Wed. 4-26 in auditorium at 6:00pm – ALL band students and guests – Star Wars
  • Wed. 4-26 16th annual Band Pops Concert, 7-9pm in Berger Hall auditorium

Signup for Student Pizza dinner before the concert
Click link above for details and to sign-up by Monday, April 24.

Thanks to Bee Nowell for providing a pizza dinner for any student who signs up. (Since this concert is INSIDE, we will not have a food truck for families). But, families and siblings should check at 6:00pm. Any pizza left over is fair game. Since all students have to arrive by 6:00 for rehearsal, families would have enough time to see if there is pizza left or to head back out for a quick supper before the 7pm concert if all the pizza is gone. 🙂

5:00 – 5:30 US band students to eat then on stage at 5:30
5:15 – 6:00 All other band students to eat then on stage at 6:00
6:00 Leftovers available for families

MS-BB Band Weekly (condensed newsletter/plans – updated Monday mornings)

US-US Jazz Weekly (condensed newsletter/plans – updated Monday mornings)

What Are We Doing This Week? (weekly plans – all classes, updated Sundays)

What are we Doing Today? (daily plans – individual classes, updated each morning)

Playing Appointments for this week (updated Sundays)

Class Haiku pages (Powerschool, P Learning, whatever you want to call it) – check T3 Syllabus and T3 Portfolio changes.
Beginning Band (6th grade)
MS6 Band
MS7 Band
US Band
US Jazz

Band History

Posted – look for concert audio, pics, and video soon
Previous posts: 2016-17, 2015-16, 2014-15, 2013-14, 2010-11, 2005-06, 2003-04, 1997-98