Try this formula for a 10-minute power practice session (cut in half and make a 5 minute study break)
2 minutes – long term skill (such as sound, tonguing, breathing through mouth, long tones for sound/tuning, counting to self)
2 minutes – listen to sample recording from audio folder while counting/doing fingers (will help you identify which chunks to practice)
2 minutes – practice chunks (this is the “take apart and fix” time; try 1-2 measures and try to stop on beat one of a measure)
2 minutes – run through entire section (this is the “train yourself to keep going instead of stopping for each mistake” time)
2 minutes – play anything that is fun and makes you feel good (reward yourself. Playing an instrument is fun, so enjoy!)
Procedure for Teaching Yourself to count in your head and count rhythms
- Mark beats (slashes for beat 1, beat 2, beat 3, beat 4)
- Listen, read, count beats out loud (likely more than once)
- Listen, read, count beats out loud AND fingers (almost certainly more than once)
- Practice – chunks, then larger section
- Play with recording (almost certainly more than once)
Any spots where you stumble are the spots to practice more next time.
Using a metronome
- DO NOT start by playing long sections with the metronome
- Practice chunks (1-2 measures) with metronome SLOWLY
- Gradually increase speed on metronome until you are at tempo
- THEN try playing a longer section with the metronome
- When you notice that you are off from the metronome, you probably tripped up a little before you realize it.
- Go back and work on that chunk.
- If you are not sure if you are staying with the metronome, record yourself and listen