GoodNews-BandNews 2-20-17

What Are We Doing This Week? 

Playing Appointments for this week
My updated list that I printed and left at school did not save. I emailed those who need to see me this week to the best of my memory.

DisneyBand – this Wed. Feb. 22, 2:45-4:15
Bring your phone. We will prepare for the trip and have a Q&A. We will sight-read one or more pieces to help us be ready.  Less than a week!

T2 Portfolios
Grades have been entered in Veracross. A few students marked as incomplete should see me in class Tuesday to find out what to do. I will share my feedback on portfolios in the comments on T2 Grade Reports.

Band Disney Trip is Feb. 24-28
Please wish our brave sojourners luck as we travel to Disney for a workshop that will give us a glimpse of what it is like to be a Disney Professional musician.  The best way to describe it is that at school we spend months practicing for one performance, while a pro spends one day practicing for months of performances. Disney doesn’t want to pay people to practice; they want them out performing for guests!

We will have to learn and polish music much more quickly than usual, so we have had 4 special rehearsals to combine 7th-12th grade students from 4 band classes. At Disney, we will spend a few short hours learning music and then record the soundtrack to a Disney video. We will share it when we return!

Kat Browning

Chris Butulis

Amy Chang

Ethan Chou

JR Cobb

William Coley

Zach Coman

Katie Grush

Jono Jenkens

Cindy Li

Ben Lipson

Rohin Patel

Casey Powell

Miles Ramee

Grant Scotto

Nikhil Shetty

Christianna Swift

Madison Swyers

Brian Wei

Band History
Posted – nothing new this week
Previous posts: 2016-17, 2015-16, 2014-15, 2013-14, 2010-11, 2005-06, 2003-04, 1997-98

Summer Camps Taught by Mr. Grush at CA for rising 7th-9th graders
Please consider attending or forwarding info to a friend. There is an early bird discount!

Music Producer – June 26-30 9am-4pm, July 31-Aug. 4 9am-4pm
record and edit your own audio tracks with professional equipment!

Nail the Audition – July 10-14 afternoon
Tips for preparing for the  All-District Band/All-Region Jazz auditions

Make a Movie Soundtrack  – July 10-14 morning
this is what we did or will do in class

Online Catalog (for camp descriptions)

Summer Programs Registration:


Class Haiku pages (Powerschool)
Beginning Band (6th grade)
MS6 Band
MS7 Band
US Band
US Jazz