Playing Appointments for this week
A number of US Band, MS6, and MS7 students should see me or submit second recordings by Thursday to raise grades for PA3 recordings.
Soundtrack Project 2016-17 Instructions-xohesx
T2 Portfolios
DUE for MS6, MS7, and US Band Thurs. Feb. 9 – we discussed in class last week
DUE for BB and US Jazz Thurs. Feb. 16 – we will discuss in class this week
T2 Portfolio Index and instructions – access online doc.
Make sure you are logged into sharepoint and use Chrome as your browser.
- DO NOT delete T1 bookmarks. Add new bookmarks from T2 to the old ones. We will use these in T3 to let peers look at your portfolios and they will need to use bookmarks from T1, T2, and T3.
- Open the word doc online
- Click on the 3 dots towards top right
- Download a copy of the word doc (not a PDF)
- Save with your name in the title
- Fill out document, save, and upload to CA musicfirst – Portfolio Index task
T2 Portfolio Index and Instructions – easier download doc
Insert-yourname-here_Band Portfolio Index T2 2016-17-17plin5
T2 Extra Credit – DUE BY END OF WEEK
Paper copies are due to Mr. Grush by the end of our last class this week. You are welcome to type a document, print, and hand it in. Or, Mr. Grush will have paper copies in class for you to fill out. Email Mr. Grush with questions.
T2 Extra Credit Doc – access online doc
T2 Extra Credit Doc – easier download doc
Extra Credit Opportunities T2 16-17-1y29jh2
Make sure you are logged into sharepoint and use Chrome as your browser.
- If you are going to Disney, give yourself 4 points for Disney Band rehearsals
- If you are going to the musical, give yourself 2 points.
- If you are a part of the musical, give yourself 4 points (except drummers, 2 for this and also use for portfolio)
- If you will do something before Feb. 24, give yourself points for it.
Same process as downloading portfolio index described above, except do not upload to CA musicfirst.
PLEASE HELP – Disney Bus Drivers needed
You do not have to have a student going on the Disney trip to help us. This is a chance to serve the band program. We really need your help. We need 2-4 parents willing to be trained to drive CA activity busses. No special license required, just some easy training. We need you to take the Disney group to the airport around 1pm on Feb. 24 and we also need people to pick us up around 6pm on Feb. 28. Parents of students going on the trip are especially encouraged to help. 🙂 Email Mr. Grush if you can help.
Band History
Posted – All-District Band (details on all who auditioned as well as recordings of the groups Rishi and Jay played with!)
Previous posts: 2016-17, 2015-16, 2014-15, 2013-14, 2010-11, 2005-06, 2003-04, 1997-98
This is awful
I bet you won’t be able to stand listening to the entire thing – what The Star Wars Imperial March sounds like written a major key
Summer Camps Taught by Mr. Grush at CA for rising 7th-9th graders
Please consider attending or forwarding info to a friend. There is an early bird discount!
Music Producer – June 26-30 9am-4pm, July 31-Aug. 4 9am-4pm
record and edit your own audio tracks!
Nail the Audition – July 10-14 afternoon
ips for preparing for the All-District Band/All-Region Jazz auditions
Make a Movie Soundtrack – July 10-14 morning
this is what we did or will do in class
Online Catalog (for camp descriptions)
Summer Programs Registration:
Class Haiku pages (Powerschool)
Beginning Band (6th grade)
MS6 Band
MS7 Band
US Band
US Jazz