GoodNews-BandNews 12-5-16

Welcome to our 24 new beginning band students and their families!  This is our weekly newsletter for students and parents to read.  Some things will be posted that do not pertain to beginning band class, but I want everyone in the band program to have an idea of the big picture.  🙂

What Are We Doing This Week?

Playing Appointments for this week 

Soundtrack Project Guidelines 2016-17
Students in MS6, MS7, and US Band (not US Jazz or Beginning Band) – this week you need to have a draft soundtrack ready for a peer or me to hear (By Tuesday), then a final recording for a peer or me to hear (by Friday).

Click on title above for info on rehearsals. First rehearsal is this Friday, Dec. 9 from 2:45-4:15.
Please complete this google form about rehearsal conflicts by Tues. 12-6.
DisneyBand rehearsal conflicts

Band History
Posted this week: no new posts
Previous posts: 2016-17, 2015-16, 2014-15, 2013-14, 2010-11, 2005-06, 2003-04, 1997-98

Class Haiku pages (Powerschool)
Beginning Band (6th grade)
MS6 Band
MS7 Band
US Band
US Jazz